Hey guys... Assalamualaikum... Hari ni tak berapa sihat, kena hujan siang td kat Jalan TAR masa carik baju wedding Siti Nur Apai... Hari ni klaka jugak coz my plate number kereta got washed away by air banjir kat tgh2 highway tadi LOL! x tau cane bole hilang! and no, my car is brand new, not cabuk, so jgn fikir bukan2 about my Renji okay? <.< :P so this recaps might be shorter than before coz i'm feeling sick :P <--- penipuan besar hahaha! XD Anyway, episode hari ni buat i x senang duduk dek geram dgn prangai Eid. Episode hari ni was all about Eid, Eid and his idiotic jealousy... Since i'm seriously pissed with his character, so i don't feel like spazzing much over this episode... So just bear with my emotional outbreak over Eid's behavior okay? =)
The scene started off with Amir asking Seth about Nora Elena anak Pak Nordin kat bowling center with Eid curik2 dengar. Apparently Eid tersentak bila dgr nama Elena and Pak Nordin disebut oleh lelaki yg dia x kenal depan Seth... But since Seth mmg x faham ape yg cuba Amir nk discover, so Seth diam aje... Pastu Amir got a phone call. Maybe from balai, which finally buat i percaya yg dia really is a policeman, bukan con-man yg mana kerja dia tipu pompuan kat bowling alley~ :P Amir said he gotta go, so he went away...
Yvonne dgn excitednye replace tmpt Amir. tho i super hate Yvonne, but i think her relationship with Seth is kinda sweet... they look sweet together, which i tried so hard to deny it but failed miserably lol! The chemistry was there... maybe coz they have been working close together for 5 years now... just cute!
"Seth, you dah pegi beli air x beritahu i pun..." Yvonne ni, suara manja gila!
"You x ckp pun!" Seth wat muke x mkn saman slumber dek dia tho ade sket senyum comel.
"Untuk i ade?" aduhai manje gila suara Wan Sharmila ni~ Then Seth tolak his own Nestea kat Yvonne. Which i found it to be really sweet... Warm hearted pny boss! Teringat my own boss yg suke blanje makan lol!
"Really?!" Yvonne sgt teruja. Obviously she's very happy. Good for you Yvonne~ <.< Seth senyum aje...
"Thank you... You are so.. nice! I suke boss mcm ni... You boss yg terbaik sekali dlm dunia pada i... Thank you!" Seth senyum malu2... teeheehee...
"Senyum je?" usik Yvonne. Which buat Seth makin merah muke tersipu comel <3 Seth senyum malu sampai ke telinga! rawrr! geram tgk Seth senyum malu2 XD Yvonne, i am so gonna learn from you how to bodek my boss! hahahaha! Mana la Yvonne x terpikat dgn Seth ni.. baik sgt kat dia... huhuhu... kesian la plak kat Yvonne ni~ :P After that Yvonne dragged Seth to bowl with them... LOL! another persamaan my own boss dgn Seth! Gila bowling! Gila Karaoke! FB je dia x reti hahaha! but yg klakanye dgn scene ni adelah... Eid tu punye la besar... ade kat area tu je, boleh sorang pon x prasan kehadiran dia... Eid bukannye nyorok ke undercover ke ape pon... sgt weird! but maybe everybody was too into themselves that diorg x prasan pun Eid yg x berapa nk kecik tu dah ade kat bowling center tu... :P
Next scene! Elena and Dila went to a beauty center to get their beauty polished up! ye lah, bakal pengantin katekan... mesti la nk bg kejelitaan makin terserlah kan? Elena ni kan... huhuhu... kedekut! :P dah janji dgn Dila nk blanje Dila buat rawatan skali katanye... but Elena kate dia xde janji pon... But to think of it, Elena bknnye gaji besar pun kan? Keje secretary je... pastu nmpk mcm semua pun Elena yg ready... so maybe ade budgeting problem la kan? sorry Elena, i tuduh you kedekut haha! Dila tercakap if dia and Amir okay, insyaAllah nk naek pelamin haha! but Elena terdengar, so Elena marah Dila suruh hati2 carik calon suami... Eid plak yg tgh brooding dlm perjalanan, pegi call Elena yg tgh wat beauty treatment kat spa tu.
Talk about bad timing. Sape suh you x ambik peduli pasal Elena, kan you dah x tau dia pegi mana~ For a while, i tot Eid was calling Elena coz he already get it about the whole Seth-Amir-Nora Elena anak Pak Nordin from kampung Sepakat Jaya, Mersing... but gah! thick headed Eid! geramnye aku! <.< nk pulas2 je telinga Eid ni if ikutkan hati. After dah habis treatment, Elena noticed Eid's call, but omg nmpk sgt tuhan nk tunjuk tade jodoh kan? Eid tggl his phone dlm kereta masa dia pegi brooding tepi tasik. <.< Ya Tuhan~ this drama buat i stress!
Back at home, Elena mintak pendapat Dila about rogol. Dia tny if org lelaki kisah x if isteri diorg pernah kena rogol.. Dila jwb dia x tau, kena la tny kat lelaki... Betul tu Dila... But then, Elena kata dia ade buat survey kat internet or blog kot, about it and ade mixed responses from commentators... Finally Elena confess kat Dila yg dia mmg penah kena rogol bila Dila mcm x ambik siyes ape yg Elena cuba nk ckp. Dila kate Elena nmpk okay je selama ni, so x kan la mangsa rogol kot? Elena kate dah 10 tahun lepas bende tu jadi... Dila said selama ni Elena nmpk happy je, x sangka la Elena mangsa rogol. Masa ni, aduh Saleha... Kesiannye la tgk Elena... she's finally starting to face her biggest nightmare by telling Dila her biggest secret. It must be hard, shameful to confess things that she wanted to keep away from anybody even herself. I can feel it in pembawakan watak oleh Siti Saleha. Though she's not crying, but her cheerful facade that has been concealing her pain all this while finally starting to break down little by little. Sgt pilu bila Elena starts crying. sobs!
Dila asked Elena if Elena tau sape yg rogol dia. Elena kate x tahu pasal perogol tu pakai ski mask. Dila asked her if Eid knows about this rogol thing. but no. Elena said she's afraid of losing Eid if she did tell Eid about it. Plus, ustaz (i dunno which or who this ustaz is) said tak payah beritahu pun takpe... Elena, dear, this is your wedding, not that ustaz. so you might wanna tell Eid if you serabut sgt mcm ni kay? -hugs- sekarang Dila dah faham kenapa Elena x suke lelaki, garang dgn lelaki gak... and biol sket. LOL! Dila! sempat lagi kau ye? Dila ended up hugging Elena yg mula menangis.awww~
At the same time, Seth called Amir, ajak keluar minum. Seth in blue shirt is just dashing! <3 Amir asked him ada hal ape ajak dia jumpa mlm2 mcm ni. Seth said he just need a friend. Kawan2 dia sume kawan keje and clients. Sbb tu dia call Amir.. nmpknye the only real friend he has is just our dear Inspector Amir... Omo pathetic je dgr dia ckp citu.. cam like seriously, kawan college or uni mana pakcik? muke legend body hot citu x kan la xde geng kamceng maen rugby or at least fanclub kat college dulu? mcm anti social la kamu ni! tersangat la lonely hidup kamu ni Seth! :P Seth kate lately dia asyik terkenang masa kat sekolah dulu2...
"Pasal aku dgn kau selalu keluar masuk bilik disiplin?" teka Amir. LOL!
"Yg selalu tu kau, yg sekali tu aku~" AHAHAHA! Seth ni comel!
Have i told you i love it when Amir is around Seth? He's all cheeky and talk freely as if he's the biggest dork in the world! me love Seth more when Amir is around! <3 i hope Amir will always be there for him whenever he needs him~ if only this is not a Malay drama, i would be shipping Seth-Amir coupling already lol! XDDD And, Eid was there masa Amir and Seth met! i tot Eid was brooding staring at atap rumah Elena! skali dia stalk Seth and Amir rupanya~ urm... 3 guys, in a same place like that... just weird! Amir told him yg Nora marahkan dia, tp dia x faham kenapa Nora marah sgt kat dia... Bila Amir mentioned Nora Elena as tunang Seth, Seth finally betulkan keadaan and told Amir the truth that Elena is not his fiance... haa... kan bagus citu... :D
Next scene! Seth and Yvonne dlm Seth's car.. Seth tny Yvonne sape yg buat proposal eBook pasal banyak sgt. But Yvonne buat muke cam ade muslihat ape ntah. but x tau la ade kena mengena dgn dia ke x. So Seth call Eid, but Eid buat bodoh je pasal dia tau Seth yg call. Smpai la bila Malik suh dia angkat call tu. Seth tny Eid pasal budget eBook tu. Eid kate bukan dia yg handle dah. Skang dato' mana ntah yg handle... So Seth mintak Eid tlg dia call that dato' and confirmkan proposal tu... For the 1st time Eid ketat je nk tolong Seth, padahal bak kate Malik, "dulu kau kalau pasal boss, sume "yes boss! yes boss! yes boss!" cuba sebut laju2 44 kali dgn muke comel mcm Malik buat hahahah! comel la Lover Boy neh! x abis lg Seth ckp, Eid dah hung up. Kurang ajar gile Eid ni! dgn boss bole dia wat citu? kesian gila Seth~ ok, i bukan nk bela Seth pasal i ni Seth's shipper, but hell, if my staff buat i citu, mmg i piat la telinga diorg! mcm Seth plak yg keja makan gaji dgn Eid. Ei geramnye aku! <.< *tahan diri dr tunjal dahi Eid*
Petang tu, Elena pegi shopping barang2 persiapan wedding dia kat supermarket area rumah dia. But then, Amir tibe2 je muncul. Elena gila2 defensive mcm la Amir nk rogol dia kat khalayak ramai! Siap marah Amir yg konon2 cube nk sentuh dia padahal Amir just nk tolong pegangkan trolley yg nk bergerak sendri tu je lol! Amir tny kenapa marah2, kenapa garang sgt.. Elena jawab dia garang dgn org2 mcm Amir je. Amir assume pasal dulu dia jahat kat sekolah, kena rotan etc. Elena kate patut Amir kena rotan lagi teruk dr yg dia kena. Amir found Elena's rage over him as pelik. Nmpk sgt ade benda yg Amir penah buat kat Elena, tp Amir x tau. Bila dia nk tny Elena lagi, Elena lari dari Amir, tggl sume barang2 and handbag. Dia siap refer Nora as psycho LOL!
Lepas tu scene Dila baru balik keje. Olololo tomeinye! Kaki x smpai naek scooter lol! <3 Eid tibe2 je muncul siap hon2 kete mcm la penyangak kampung pandan jauh ketengah! pastu dgn muke emo tny mana Elena, kenape Elena x balik lagi padahal org office kate Elena dah balik awal. Dila gitau la Elena pi beli brg2 persiapan wedding kat supermarket depan perumahan diorg tu. So Eid pun pegi dari situ.. I'm assuming dia pegi supermarket tu to pick Elena la kot. Masa Dila sebut 'beli barang persiapan kawen', muke Eid soften a bit... Lega hati i.. Maybe dia x kan marah2 Elena lagi if sedar yg Elena betul2 usaha nk jayakan perkahwinan diorg tu...
Back at the supermarket, Elena yg bjalan menonong tggl je beg and barang2 dia tu, realize yg dia takde handbag kat tgn. so dia patah balik, only to find her handbag was no longer there. Amir muncul balik, bawak handbag Elena, and perli nasib baik Elena tgglkan handbag tu kat dia, if org lain habis la kan? But Amir refused to give that handbag back to Elena, unless Elena sudi blanje dia minum. Nmpknye abg polis ni siyes nk berbaik dgn Elena ni... Amir ckp x kan la pasal dulu kat sekolah dia baling pen kat muke Elena, Elena nk marah smpai skang kot... pastu Elena kate bukan pasal pen. Amir teka, pasal rumor konon2 Amir nmpk Elena salin baju. Amir ckp bnde tu x betul. dia jahat, tp dia x buat bnde2 citu... Elena mcm dah nk percaye je lol! But dari jauh, hmm... aku dah agak dah! Eid pandang dgn muke suspicious je~ bende nmpk depan mata bukan nk tanya betul2... maen hentam je percaye! kan Elena nmpk mcm nk lari dari Amir tu? and Eid did notice that guy yg dgn Elena was the same guy yg borak2 dgn Seth. We doesn't need a genius to put two plus two as four Eid! gah! geram!!! kate pompuan tu tunang you kan? cane kalau Amir tu mmg penjahat ke hape.. you tgk tunggu jeles dan lihat je ke dia kena violate dgn lelaki ntah mana2?! ni yg haku emo neh! <.< Sabar Leanne sabar! recaps balik cpt! okay~ So Amir mintak mulai hari ni, Elena jgn marah2, dendam2 lagi kat dia pasal dia xde buat salah besar pun kat Elena then pulangkan balik her handbag...
Mlm tu after mak Elena call about bunga for wedding, Eid plak call... grrrr.... wargh!!! stress aku dgn Eid ni... ckp maen perli2 je... dia kate Elena skang sibuk, x jwb his call. habis yg Elena tggu you, call you, you x jwb, x pe plak ye Eid?! <.< bila Elena kate phone tertinggal kat rumah, Eid perli ingatkan layan jantan lain. Elena mintak tolong Eid jgn jeles x tentu pasal coz they are getting married soon. Eid kate, ini bukan pasal jealous or cemburu... tapi pasal rase tertipu dgn Elena yg kononnye baik and setia tu! cis Eid! i hate you like seriously i hate you gila2! more than i hate Yvonne skang neh! <.< Then he hung up. DAMN YOU EID!
Mlm tu gak, Seth PMed Maria pasal Nora dah nk kawen x lama lagi... While Elena pulak doa kat tuhan mintak urusan wedding dia dipermudahkan... and kuatkan jodoh dia dgn Eid... *scoffs* dgn perangai Eid tu, i rase tuhan pon tanak you kawen dgn dia Elena! blegh! meluat!
Keesokkan harinya, kat office after Yvonne briefed him about all his meeting for the day, Yvonne nmpk vouchers utk Seth redeem points. Credit cards pny points kot. And there's a voucher to buy a ring... Yvonne tny Seth tanak bagi kat dia ke cincin tu.. Which Seth slumber dek je dismissed dgn "you dah nk kawen ke? belum lagi kan?" LOLOL! silap2 Yvonne salah faham dgn kata2 you tu Seth! but muke monyok Yvonne told us different kind of understanding. Seth is not marrying Yvonne anytime sooner. Full stop. Yay! :P Then Seth mintak Yvonne belikan hadiah wedding Eid and Elena guna his credit card. And asked her to post terus ke rumah Eid pasal dia malas nk bawak hadiah besar2 kang masa wedding Eid.
i practically ROFLMAO-ing at this "tlg belikan hadiah wedding, post it, i malas nk bawak, leceh yadiadia.." Pasal... Dear Mr.sexygorgeouseth, you don't have to bawak hadiah besar2 to that wedding. pasal you bukan tetamu pun~ XDDD But anyway, tgk keikhlasan Seth suh Yvonne beli wedding gift utk Eid, nmpknye Seth mmg takde niat nk rampas Elena pun... Seth in this drama baik hati sgt2! haa... chentanya saye~ <3 After that Seth keluar from his office, nmpk Eid tgh busy stapling documents kat photocopy machine... Seth muke serba salah bila teringat reaksi Eid bila dia tny about suke ke x suke nk transfer ke Penang.(weeee!!! dpt tgk Seth in red lagi! i love this flashback! XD) ahaha! mcm lovers la kamu berdua neh! rase cam nk hantuk kepala je dua org mamat machochitos neh suh confront each other :P
Lepas tu Eid nk gerak pegi Melaka. Zira dok mention nama boss depan Eid and Eid kinda look pissed off. So Zira tny la Malik nape Eid masam muke bila sebut pasal boss. Lepas tu Malik suh Zira jgn jaga tepi kaen org. Zira, the genius replied him back "Eid x pakai kaen, Eid pakai seluar!" LOLOLOL!!! you go girl! lepas tu ingatkan Malik Lover Boy nk marah, skali dia senyum ya Allah comelnye lah! even my parents pon sengih tgk Malik and Zira yg comel gila prangai cam budak skolah gado pasal peribahasa kahkahkah! XD
Malam tu lps keje Seth tggu Elena kat kedai bunga. OMGy you sexy stalker! <3 comel gile Seth malu2 renung gadis pujaan kat pintu senyap2 masa Elena busy pilih bunga LOL! gugur jantung mak bedah joyah serta anak2 gadis mereka (Leanne cool je tgk part tu :P) tgk renungan you tu Mr.Seth! pastu bila Elena prasan Seth ade kat luar, Seth cover dgn wave kat Elena smbil senyum sweet tiut comel gila! olololo! rase cam nk gomoi je org prangai comel cini! =X =P hahahah! Habis x jadi Elena nk beli bunga tgk Seth tggu kat luar citu... Seth called her Nora... Elena mintak Seth jgn panggil dia Nora. But Seth insist to call her that, which weirdly she let it pass coz bila Amir yg pggl, dia menyinga marah mintak x dipanggil Nora. Seth beritahu dia nk ckp pasal Eid.
At the same time, Eid otw balik from Melaka... Hmm... Dia nk pegi rumah Elena ke eh? Then Elena and Seth both pegi minum untuk discuss pasal Eid. Seth asked Elena if Elena suke ke x if Eid transfer ke Penang, which obviously Elena x tahu menahu. Seth noticed it and asked if Elena tau pasal Eid's promotion and transfer ke Penang. Elena bohong cakap tahu. So Seth ckp la actually dah transfer, but kuat kuasa after the wedding. Seth tny if okay x if Elena ikut Eid pegi Penang lepas kawen. Bila Elena seems hesitant to answer his question, Seth ckp setahu dia, tempat seorg isteri disisi suaminya... Elena looks offended and said thanks pasal ingatkan dia. Seth ckp dia doakan Elena and Eid bahagia mulakan rumahtangga kat tmpt baru... Elena nmpk mcm nk nangis. Maybe bengang dgn Eid. Now i think i know why Seth transfer Eid ke Penang... bukan utk pisahkan Eid and Elena... but to make sure dia x kan nmpk Elena lagi lepas Elena married to Eid... aww... if that's the case, i heart you even more Seth! so effin' much! <3
Sementara tggu taxi, Elena call Dila, beritahu pasal Eid. But Dila nk keluar, so diorg tak borak lama. Masa tgh ckp phone tu, Dila nmpk kemeja yg kena tossed under sofa and letak atas sofa. Then Dila pun keluar... Lepas tu tiba2 Merce merah tu berhenti depan Elena and hantar Elena balik smpai rumah. Isy! Seth ni... kang Eid nmpk cane?! Elena masuk rumah nk ambik kemeja Seth yg dia blm pulangkan. Bagus la if you pulangkan cepat2 Elena... But O-M-G... wargh! dah agak dah!!! Eid dah tggu dlm rumah. Seth's shirt elok je kat seblah dia. Ya Allah, selamatkan la Elena!!! Eid maen serkap jarang.
"sape hantar you balik? hmm? " gerun gila dgr suara Eid.
"dia hantar Lina balik sebab Eid pegi Melaka?" Elena cuak gila. x terjawab.
"patut lah dia beria sgt nk aku jumpa org Melaka Holding hari ni...rupe2nye dia nk ambik kesempatan kat tunang aku..." if i jadi Elena i dah lari dah pasal my god creepy gila psycho si Eid ni bila marah!
"tak, Eid, Eid salah faham." Elena tried to make Eid understand. but well, setan dah rasuk akal Eid, so mengamuk la dia... Eid tny baju tu bende ape. Eid kata dia yg bagi baju tu kat Seth 2 tahun lepas! So Eid tuduh Elena ade affair dgn Seth! like duh~ baju je pon pakcik~ pastu kan Elena penah ckp pasal Seth suh dia basuh baju yg Elena kotorkan? You need to trust her dammit! <.<
"baju tu dah ckup nk jelaskan yg korang ade affair! patutlah aku selalu kena outstation!" err... Eid, honey, YOU yg slalu offer diri nk outstation hokeh?! wargh nk blasah Eid! <.< Elena cuba nk pujuk Eid, grab his arm.
"kau jgn pegang aku lah! aku jijik dgn pompuan mcm kau ni! org mcm kau ni, x teringin aku nk buat bini la!" and stormed off out of the house. OMG you did not said that Eid! dasar kejam otak letak kat lutut! yg paling best was... org yg hantar Elena balik bukan Seth... but Pak Ali, Seth's driver...
-end of episode 6-
hmm... kalau Seth yg dlm kete tu, maybe dah mati Eid blasah his own boss kan? but aww Seth... you risaukan Elena's safety ye? Pasal tu you hantar your driver to fetch her home? awww... that is so sweeet! <3 Watching this episode made me realize that without trust, nothing can be build upon it. Secrets can make a relationship haru biru... Today's episode, my patience is growing thin! Cepat2 lah korang putus tunang! Cepat2 lah Seth nikah Elena! dah x tahan i nk tatap muke sedih Elena and kebodohan chemburu buta si Eid tu! <.< bikin hati gua panas je hokeh? meluat! okay, tu je i nk rants hari ni... tata guys!-
And ohoi~ lupa plak nk mention... hari ni bnyk lagu baru la maen kat episode ni... suka! no more lagu Asmara 2 lol! ke i yg x prasan lagu tu ade coz i dah tangkap cintan dgn lagu Berubah tu? oh! ade gak skali dua but x prasan sgt :P yup, confirm dah jatuh suka kat lagu Berubah tu <3
xoxo, u noe u luv me! :P jumpe esok insyaAllah for ep.7 XD -cross my fingers, esok jugak Seth kawen Elena!
Lagu ni utk Eid, bila dia sedar satu hari nnt yg nasihat dan tunjal kepala dr Leanne amatlah berguna! :tp masa tu maybe dah terlewat okay Eid? P
yes! yes!
esok nak tunggu my white knight in shining amour datang menyelamatkan elena!!
*bunyik kompang*
can't wait, leanne!! sexcited sangat!!!
sorry, hv to delete that kind of comment, aku tanak kazen aku slh faham in case dia bace komen ko tu makcik.
izzie: ya tuhan, sexcited x habis2 lol!
i nk join u sepak Eid laju2 boleh tak? Sakit jiwe tgk jantan camtu. No balls! Klu x dapat sepak, i pinjam Bakarenji langgar kt simpang.
p/s : sesekali ape salahnye promote laki i, nenek sayang oii... :p
anyway, Bakarenji mmg le baru, tp cara u bawak tu yg buat dia jadi terlebih tua puahahah!
i bace id u as jaeforyou.. mcm u nk bg jae kat i jae makcik :P hahah! skali utk yuu~ dem~ :P
for this episode, i promote tohoshinki... nnt jap lg u tag me dgn gmbr jae pakai suit kat airport yg ala2 Rajinikanth The Boss siap spek itam tu tau! i nk masuk for ep. hari ni :P
wohooo... br le teruja skit nk tgk klu ade muke laki i tertempel kat sini :p
-goes in search-
cepat2 le Elena putus tunang. Kang x psl2 aku sunatkan Eid bangang lagi skali~
Hate Eid. -end of story-
everybody hate Eid lol! that poor big guy need some love too guys~ :P
klu perangai tupai camtu, xde sape nk give him some loving. Give him penyepak ade le~
tiap2 ari x miss baca recaps nenek sorang ni. hahaha!
eid tu layak kne tikam n buang dlm longkang je. huhu
In Eid's case violence =/= love. Violence = violence. Sengal btul karekter gitu. Sat gi kalo terhegeh2 nak balik kat Lena, mmg la nk kena picit2 ngan aku smpai lumat.
lol nk picit lumat2 ye yayas? besar gile kot Eid tu.. xpe.. i dah mintak bantuan korean mafia cincang dia muahaha! nnt bole bg mandongie n vick makan daging dia lol!
i bace recap 7, br 6.. haha XD
and td squeal tgk jae with his flying coat, ni squeal lagi pagi2 buta dgn my 1st fav luvly duvey muvey song! weeee~ adeh.. tak pasal gua spazz psl bnda len..
i suke amir kat dpn supermarket tu.. badboy image sgt kena la ngan ery tuh.. i like!
oh, and for a person yg sgt cemburu mcm Eid tu, leh dterima la kalo die x g tnye elena sndri..coz he's afraid the answer that he will get prolly will hurt him?
pergh~ understanding lak saye ngan Eid..^^v
aku da taip komen, bley plak ilang....
1) da lama tak tengok doushitte mv... lagu tu super duper sesuai jd ost citer ni
2) sape sebenarnye munyet yg rogol elina tu
3) and parents elina tak tau dia kene rogol ke
lea: actually i kinda understand Eid too. kite bengang dgn dia pasal kite org ketiga, nmpk segala2 yg jd.. cuba kalau kite kt tmpt dia, maybe kite pon membuta tuli gak jeles~ :P
1.ye! lagu tu utk Eid! :P
2. lah, x kan la ko x tau lg sape? aku da hint2 beratus2 kali dah!
3. x tau~
4. baik ko bg mkn flats je, high heels kn mahal!
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