
Jika terdapat sebarang cadangan, anda boleh menyatakan candangan anda di mana-mana entri yang dipos-lajukan di sini. Sebarang hasutan berunsur fitnah adalah tidak dibenarkan di sini.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 2 (10/05/2011)

A/N: sigh~ my mom tak tgk pon episode 2! alasan dia? tanak sebut. sakit hati je. :P dia malas nk tgk anak dara dia meroyan gedik over Aaron Aziz depan TV kot? hahaha! anyway, never in my life, i teruja x senang duduk kat office menanti 5.30pm semata2 nak balik rumah tgk drama melayu. x pernah. siyes. ini dah kes parah. ala2 withdrawal syndrome Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Secret Garden dah ni. isy3x...~~~ angau kah aku? dengan laki org plak tu. -gelak guling- Park Yoochun, this shall stop if you release Ripley tomorrow. ok? nope? fine~ don't complaint if i spazz over someone else~ XD anyway, episode 2 ada perubahan. no longer mendatar... some action from the cunning Mr. Seth hihi. GOOD JOB!
-song for tonight, Alyah- Kisah Hati & Infinite- BTD. cannot listen to JYJ. I might end up crying if i did. 

Let's begin. Still ada kat cafe lagi... camera focus kat muka Seth... lama... hmm... kacaknye dia... tgh stress pon kacak... cane neh? err.. kat mane cite kita td? LOL! okay sorry hehe! Seth dok tenung muka Elena (lama tu, since 9hb tau! :P), so Elena rase tak selesa and nk blah dari situ... Seth told her she seems familiar. Mcm penah jumpe... Alamak bro, ayat tu... hmm... if only diucap oleh bukan hero, Elena maybe dah storm out keluar blah dari situ haha! XD but Elena seems interested, duduk balik, and tell Seth maybe Seth salah org. But Seth still ckp Elena look so familiar to him... Elena trying to be funny, tny "ada tak rupa mcm artis ke? haha!" LOL. she did tried to be funny, tp Seth tak rase klaka pon and reply "lebih cantik dari artis." OMG ha kau kan dah tersipu2. you ask for it lol! i don't know if Seth even know that he is very cunning dalam hal mencuri hati perempuan. Ayat dia tu cliche, but it works somehow kehkehkeh! :P Then dalam terkesima tu (cewah!), Elena try to pergi dari situ. But Seth keeps on delaying her so finally she said "boss saya garang!" and go. lol! alasan terbaik. boleh guna pakai lepas ni hihi.

That night, in his bedroom (again! not that i'm complaining coz a uber hot man will stay uber hot even in normal shirt, but i demand for Emil Emilda or Sadiq & co wardrobe coordinator to make a comeback and bring back our "i sleep in my sexy tank top n tracksuit-aaron" back into this drama!>"<) Seth emailed Maria, his sister about Nora... Saying dia masih lagi mencari Nora yang seolah2 dah hilang dari hidup diorg... He even (kinda) beg Maria to help him carik Nora... 

Keesokkan paginya, back to the lobby of their office building, Seth was standing there all smart and handsome in his black suit (i am refraining myself from spazzing too much coz it might sound like this entry is for a certain man, not a drama, but hell i can't help it, coz that certain man look so stunning in that suit! -dies-) with Yvonne. Err... Yvonne, your style is not so secretary-like. more like... perempuan penggoda? oh yes, i lupa plak mmg itu la character you gahaha! XD 

Yvonne tny Seth mcm mana Seth boleh kenal tunang Eid? Seth yg memang has no idea Elena is Eid's fiance soal balik sape plak tunang Eid. Yvonne yg busy body tu pon cerita la Elena kerja kat mana, tingkat berapa yadiadia -roll eyes- you yourself adalah punca you takkan dapat jejaka idaman malaya tu hokeh yvonne? mulut you tu nak kena plaster~ =X <--- cini! haha! :P sibuk tny cane boleh date dgn Elena tunang Eid. So Seth tell her the truth, it wasn't a date. Terjumpe, accident. Yvonne wat muke typical pompuan jahat dalam drama melayu :P pastu Eid muncul (yay! ntah nape i teruja nmpk Eid :P).. Apparently they're all nak pegi satu meeting/ presentation to get a new job for their company... Eid ni workaholic! Rajin gila plak tu! mana la big boss tak sayang kan? teeheehee~ <3 After that driver sampai, dlm kereta Eid luahkan kerisauan tak dapat projek tu, but Seth jawab "insyaAllah.." and buatkan yvonne O_O!! kat Seth. She even persoalkan sejak bila Seth reti nak ber"insyaAllah" ni... Seth seems disturbed and remind her that dia tu a Muslim. Urm... actually i'm on Yvonne's side on this. Coz in the novel, Seth is suppose to be a Chinese, not mix mcm in the drama, so ada kemungkinan he's a mix yang bapak cina dia bela, so is not being raised as a muslim ke kan? so nmpknye he is raised as a muslim, but might not lead his life as a muslim. =) 

The scene then moved on to Dila and Elena kat kedai buku, focus betul2 kat rak Alaf21 LOL! hamboi promote habis2an nmpk??? :P Elena sibuk surf the net about "Pentingnya Dara Wanita", perception org about being virgin. She discussed it with Dila. About, being not virgin sebab mmg miang gatal, or pasal kena rogol, mcm mana komen2 org dalam penerimaan situasi2 tersebut. bila Dila mention " yg kena rogol plak mcm mane?!Ade ke lelaki nak?" muka Elena berubah. Ala2 panic gitu. 

Back to the office, lover boy, ehem, Malik, ingat dia kat office sorg2 je bila Eid and big boss takde... Zira tiba2 maen terjah about taste Malik, so x prasan kewujudan dia even if dia cantik. ROFLMAO! kesian kau Malik~ sape suh wat muke in love gila bila everytime big boss pggl masuk bilik? hahaha! anak Sarjan Misai ni comel la plak hihi!~ Seth, Eid and Yvonne balik office dgn kaba gembira, they all got the job. Seth puji hasil kerja Eid and Eid puji Seth balik, konon2nye Seth yg hebat present depan client. teeheehee~ korang bdua ni kan... haih~ :P pastu Seth pggl Malik masuk office dia. HAHAHA! dah agak dah Malik akan buat muka puppy in love tu hahahah! comel! as expected, Zira geli geleman. Zira ni baca bnyk sgt cite gay kot? sume org dia nk syak gay haha! siap tny Eid if Malik ade GF ke x~ Lover boy, ehem, Malik keluar dr bilik Seth bawak beg kertas dgn muke super happy. pastu lagi nk show off konon2 boss bagi hadiah. lg la Zira salah faham hahahah! :P

Lunch time, eh, drama melayu mmg suke tunjuk waktu makan kan? :P Elena call her mom, nmpknye her mom tak sihat yet busy dgn persiapan majlis kawen Elena n Eid. Elena risau. Eid sampai, Elena inform dia pasal majlis kenduri besar2an yg mak dia prepare utk diorg. Eid and Elena pegang2 tgn, x saba nk kawen la tu hahaha! pastu dan2 la si Seth n Yvonne muncul kat situ... Yvonne plak saje je nk kasi bakar hati Seth, suggest duduk kat situ, menghadap Eid and Elena dr kejauhan. seriously, if i jd Seth, i dah fire Yvonne tu pasal perangai pelik2 hahaha! XD Yvonne masuk dlm cafe belikan drinks utk Seth, and Seth, duduk je la kat situ, dok tenung Eid and Elena mesra2 kat situ... mesti hati you ade rase cam kena pulas kan Mr.Seth? kan? :P 

Nmpknye Eid susah payah nk dpt Elena. Dah lama baru la dapat. So Elena ambik kesempatan tu utk ckp benda penting yg tertangguh nk ckp kat last episode tu pada Eid. Elena tak tau cane nk ckp. Muke da mcm nk nangis. Eid plak salah faham, ingat Elena ade doubt pada Eid. Suspense hokeh? Elena persoalkan will Eid accept her. Eid yg tak tahu 100% cerita of course la ckp dia dah pun terima Elena... ye lah, if i jd Eid pon, i tak akan fikir bukan2 pasal tunang i. Eid minta Elena x payah fikir bukan2 and go to get them some foods. Dr jauh Seth perhatikan Elena, dah mcm stalker haha! ok, i can not not to say this, but ELENA THAT SHOES IS GORGEOUS!!! XDDD ok, back to the story, mst Seth notice Elena nmpk sedih and runsing as he stalks, err... watch her... for once, weh en.aaron, your expression masa tu, x faham la saye... what were you thinking? what is Seth thinking? :P 

-again, lagu cerita Asmara 2!!!- :P

Dah malam, kat rumah Elena, Elena dok belek baju nikah dia, mcm meragui decision dia nk kawen tu... Dila prasan semua tu and ask her about it.. and then they did all the girly peluk2 nangis2 yg normal girlfriends slalu buat bila hang out mlm2 bdua :P Si Yvonne plak kat office siap dah hidang wine utk Seth n her utk celebrate kejayaan closing deal dgn client siang tu. but Seth refuse to drink, again, buat Yvonne O_O!!! apparently Seth dah lama tak minum, so Yvonne started to ask him questions like "you jumpa perempuan melayu terakhir ke?" dgn perubahan diri Seth yg mendadak tu. Yvonne was pissed dgn jawapan Seth, so dia siap suh letak balik nama "Ahmad" dlm card Seth, mcm dlm IC dia. LOLOLOL!!! haik? kejap, so nama Seth bukan Muhammad Seth la nanti eh? Ahmad Seth? ala... :3 Seth said mmg dia dah fikir nk buat citu pon. teeheehee! suke i tgk muke pissed off Yvonnes vs. muke slenge tak makan saman Seth masa tu. 

Esoknye, habis keje, Elena tggu la Eid kat dpn office, nk balik sekali. Eid lambat, but sempat jumpa Elena. dah nk balik dah pon... But then, tadaaa!!! hohoho i love it when all 3 main character meets up for the 1st time hehe! muncul la mr.sexyback err.. Mr.Seth... Eid pekenalkn Seth kat Elena. Seth pura2 x knl Elena. Seth beritahu dia nk pegi meeting kat PNB. dia tny if Eid nk ikut dia. knowing Eid yg workaholic and nk cepat naik pangkat tu (heh, being ambitious sometimes is not a good thing haha!), so Eid suh Elena balik naik taxi, so that dia bole ikut Seth pegi PNB. alamak, kesiannye la Elena...  if i jd Elena, mmg dah makan bebel n cubit la Eid tu~Jahat kau Seth.. Dah start strike plan eh? licik. i like! if ade sorting hat Hogwarts, mesti kompem you laju je kena hantar msuk Slytherin hokeh? XD

Untuk lepas geram, Elena pegi maen bowling dgn Dila. Pastu ade la sorg mamat dok kenen2 si Dila. ERRY PUTRA IN DA HOUSE!!! mama, rugi mama tak tgk episode 2! ade hero kesukaan mama lol! Amir (Erry Putra) berkenal2an la dgn Dila, siap salam tak lepas tangan lagi hoho! tp Elena start buat prangai anti lelaki dia kat Amir. Ok, ini la Elena yg sama dlm novel! yes! Dah habis maen bowling, Amir bg name card dia kat Dila. Inspektor Amir wooot!!! Dila wat taktik tanak bagi no fon yg klaka, konon tade phone, skali phone bunyik LOL! kantoi! :P Elena said dia mcm kenal mamat nama Amir tu... Dlm kereta, Seth soal siasat (haha) Eid pasal Elena. and mengaku kat Eid Elena seems familiar gila. Eid, watch out!!! :P Mlm tu Eid call Elena, tak boleh nak join Elena fitting baju kawen. isy laki ni. aku plak yg rase nk marah! <.<

Esoknye after keje, as usual, Elena tggu taxi, but kali ni nk pegi butik pengantin for fitting. dan2 la Seth lalu n berhenti kan? Seth, you stalk Elena kan? kan? kan? :P and he offered her tumpang ke Setiawangsa, pasal konon2nye dia pon ade appointment kat sana... hohoho, dr jauh i dah bau ikan err... i mean something smells fishy about tawaran tumpang tersebut :P but Elena dgn hesitant yet happynya accept Seth's offer. And then... the most best thing happened. AARON AZIZ, DID YOU KNOW HOW HOT YOU WERE WHEN YOU SPEAK ENGLISH IN SADIQ & Co.?! OFF THE METER! SO NOW, YOU SPEAK CHINESE TOO?! -dies- ok, back to life, need to kick some recaps in this entry, so hahaha actually his appointment is not kat Setiawangsa, but Bangsar, so he called Yvonne suh cancel. speaking cina plak tu. pergh! 1 Malaysia betul la drama ni!~ bangga Najib Tun Razak if tgk! XD Yvonne kat office dah pelik2 dgn perangai buang tebiat boss dia neh~ hahahaha! kesian Wan Sharmila, susah ek nak speaking cina? :P so then Seth dropped Elena off kat depan butik and park his car not so far from that place. 

Elena try baju kawen dia yg oh so gorgeous tu! sgt happy rupa dia pakai baju tu... Si Eid plak busy kat office, tak gerak2 lagi pegi butik tu... rajin sgt ler Eid ni~ boss tak suh pon sibuk nak siapkan... kang melepas tunang tu, jgn salahkan boss awak plak ye Eid? :P Seth yg dok tggu dalam kereta finally decided to masuk je kedai pengantin tu untuk jemput Elena balik. Then, akak kedai pngantin tu bole plak ingat Seth tu tunang Elena lol! Laju2 je dia inform kat Elena yg tgh berharap sgt2 Eid dtg fitting baju... Pny la excited tersipu2, siap bawak kipas besar bulu2 yg slalu pengapit pegang tu, utk cover muka dia from Eid. Siap malu2, ala2 naughty lagi si Elena ni... ye la, dia ingat tunang dia yg dtg kan? kesian kau Elena~ hahaha! jap, part ni i ade sket tak puas hati. weh akak wedding planner or whatsoever jawatan you, amboi maen tarik2 pegang2 tgn Aaron nampak??? <.< ..... hahahaha! ok, jeles kejap. kejap je. tarik nafas. lepas. okay dah Leanne? okay! :D sambung balik! okay, lps tu Seth teragak2 puji Elena nmpk cantik... Elena pon alih la kipas gabak tu from covering her face, her smile, faltered as soon as she realize sape yg actually datang... i can literally hear her heart jatuh pecah berkeping2... sigh... kesian kau Elena... T_T 

Alasan Seth stay kat situ mmg terbaek! taxi susah nk dapat kat area situ hahaha! But Elena is very upset and stormed off the scene. keluar dari butik pengantin pon dgn keadaan marah. Seth serba salah, and ask her if she's mad at him coz niat dia just nk hantar Elena balik je... yeah right Seth~ -gelak jahat- XD  Elena bukan marah kat dia, but malu kat kakak2 kedai pengantin tu... Eid yg patut datang, tapi Eid tak datang. Boss Eid plak yg datang. Elena kecewa sgt. To her, lelaki just fikir pasal kerja je. tak fikir pasal perasaan perempuan. BETUL TU! :P Seth rase bersalah pasal dia yg bg Eid kerja, so Eid tak dapat datang petang tu... tu yg buat Elena lagi kecewa, Eid lagi pentingkan Seth dari diri dia. LOLOLOL! i've told you Eid loves his boss waaay too much~ teeheehee! :P Elena blah laju2, tgglkan Seth. omo, adakah background music tu lagu Erry Putra? hoho! 

Eid call Elena otw balik keje dgn Malik. Elena obviously marah gile and merajuk. Eid janji nk fetch Elena awal pagi esok. Malik kata Eid yg salah. Jaga sgt Seth, abaikan Elena. Malik, lover boy, have i told you, i love you? i mean, your character? :D Kat rumah, Elena stressed out pasal Eid yg busy memanjang. then Dila yg tgh sibuk surf internet suh dia saba je, pasal da nak kawen dah pon... so terima je la... then tadaaa! dila tibe2 excited lebey! dia dah jumpe dah facebook Inspector Amir Bin Azhar yg konon2 kacak tu... Org Mersing rupenye... sekolah dekat kampung Jaya Sepakat tapi kenapa Elena muke panic je ni? Oh! pasal that girl yg kena terkam kat kebun tu, mmg asal dari kampung Jaya Sepakat, Mersing... Did you get what i'm saying? hehe! 

-end of ep.2-

Siti Saleha as Nora Elena.. episode 2 ni, ade part yg kaku sket... but since i've watched her in Qabil dan Habil, i know she can pull this character dgn cemerlang yay! give her chance, she will shine =)

Aaron Aziz, did you gain some weight lately? ke sama je eh? Masa Qabil dan Habil nmpk chubby sket. but tak kesah la, sexy gak =D kat KL Gangster nmpk hot gak :P ni maen soal2 mcm la Aaron Aziz baca n akan jawab hahaha! :P anyway, tak saba nak tggu episode 3 hari ni... yup, skang ni pukul 4.30am dah... i'm still fully awake tho pukul 9.30 kang nak kena kerja dah~ 

hello mr.gorgeous! :P

Mr. Seth dah start tunjuk his unconscious manipulative side nmpknya... tak saba nk tggu conflict seterusnya... skang ni pon dah ramai yg start pitam2 dek ke-hot-an Seth Tan kan? haa... if only his character betul2 mcm dlm novel, silap2 ade yg meninggal in the middle of the episodes dek prangai dia yg lain daripada lain tu. ok, tiba2 meremang. hahhaha! ok, dah bunyik ayam bkokok dah tu... mngantuk!!! 
xoxo u know u love me! =D


Anonymous said...

I LUV YOUR RECAPS ON NORA ELENA!! i feel like i am reading dramabeans tapi bukan recaps on k-drama but m-drama (LOL).

omo..omoooo~~ i can't stop smiling reading these 2 recaps!! tolonglah terus tulis untuk 22 episod akan datang ye darl!

bass's mistress said...

i read your blog pasal nora elena jugak! mr.seth in levi's and white tank top is just... hmm... hahaha!

i buat recaps ni atas request kwn i je, but i'm glad someone else baca jugak hihi... insyaAllah, if ada kesempatan n kerajinan, will continue recaps this drama... agak klaka la recaps drama melayu... pasal bkn budaya kita... if k-drama tu bese dah kan? thanks anyway ^^

Trantalleyana Ice said...

yay cik leanne... pasni ramai la request ko utk recaps drama malayu.. dah glamer jgn lupa kitorg....

bass's mistress said...

ice: i buat kalau ade aaron aziz je! sekian. haha

Unknown said...

seth tan sooooooooooooooooo hottttt.... \0/

Erin Azizan said...

oh may gaddd sis...so impressed ngan yu..recap yu detail gila...i just found ur belog, and i think yu mmg awesomelah!!!! sebab dapt buat benda mcm ni...kipidap!

bass's mistress said...

i baru sempat recap smpai ep.14 je. after that sgt busy dgn life. so this weekend hope dpt recap more eps lah. thanks coz leave comment here. hope u enjoy reading my stupid spazz hehe :P