
Jika terdapat sebarang cadangan, anda boleh menyatakan candangan anda di mana-mana entri yang dipos-lajukan di sini. Sebarang hasutan berunsur fitnah adalah tidak dibenarkan di sini.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 11 (25/05/2011)

if you are reading this,
there is a possibility that you are
a delirious deluded delusional Nora Elena addict.

A/N:  Sorry for the very late update. Been damn busy and sick since last Wednesday. But anyway, andai aku Nora, takkan ku biar Atan tdo terbongkang sebegitu rupa di malam pengantin. :P after watching this episode, rase2nye mcm dah wajib kawen la i ni. lol! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Cover For Kasih Yang Suci?

just a creative PS skill for our pweety elena and the gojesexy seth!

credits: Su Usman

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 10 (24/05/2011)

-out of 10 eps of course :P-


i have nothing to say today. the show, it kills me. so this is my last entry guys... hmm... hahaha! i lied. i'm an idiot if i stop recapping now coz it's getting better and better! *menari samba* :P Don't hate me if i over-spazz kay? coz this episode won't let me behave myself! =D This is an episode where i cried and laughed and drools all at the same time! sobs and cheers!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 9 (23/05/2011)

unedited version.
minimal incoherent nonsense spazzing.

A/N: Yo! eh, Assalamualaikum. hahaha! :P It's Monday ya'll! :P Oleh sbb tonton.com.my was acting like sengal last night, so let's pretend this entry was posted on Monday night like i usually do hoho! :P Sume mst teruja je x senang duduk kt office/ rumah tggu jam 7 kan? utk yg ade TV la tapi.. yg tade TV... tggu pukul 8.01pm la kan? tgk kat tonton... abis yg tade TV and tenet laju bdesup swoosh kebabom? bace je la kat sini kay? :P i pny teruja mcm la i yg kena propose last week n this week nk menikah hahaha! :P  Talking about ep.9... Hmm... Hahaha! x leh control pipi n mulut... penat rahang dah ni... Senyum smpai ke hati lol! Siap lompat bintang lg masa tgk kt TV ngahaha! :P tau x cane nk senyum smpai ke hati? tanak ajar. kalau tgk episode hari ni mst tau cane nk buat hihik! :P

And like seriously, i risau satu family i dgn kucing2 kat umah ni skali kena halau dgn org masjid. Meroyan squealing ramai2 gara2 Nora Elena dikala maghrib. Isy3~ Hehe! Besenye Abah akan jeling2 kalau dekat2 maghrib kami squealing2 dpn TV, tp skang ni dia dah malas nk layan kot? pasal tau penyakit angau anak2 dara n anak2 bujang dia dah x leh diubati bile kes angau tu ade sangkut paut dgn Atan Aziz and Nora Saleha~ XD 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 8 (19/05/2011)

Warning: Ha'ah. Yg ni pon pnjg gak! :P

A/N: It's Saturday already! Hari sunyi tanpe Seth and Elena lol! Right? it wasn't just me acting out like a raving PMS-ing bitch kan? XD Sorry for my very late update kerana bahawasanya Thursday night i tahap pancit x terlarat lgsg nk menaip gara2 keterujaan menonton ep.8 yg tersangat la smashing tanpa Eid yg mungkin dah duduk senyap dgn ikan2 kat laut tu gara2 dicampak oleh Korean mafia yg i hantar... :P or maybe jugak kerana 4 episodes utk mggu ni sgt mencabar fizikal dan mental saye yg besenye gagah je ni~ XDD  i never thought it'll be this tiring yet exciting to spazz over a Malay drama. Sumpah x penah cini. 

The last time i was all crazy smpai tdo pukul 4am gara2 gilakan drama was during Secret Garden's airing frenzy. Nora Elena is our own Secret Garden. So proud of it! =D with a drama as good as this (well, with 8 great episodes yg buat kita x lena tido kalau x sebut nama Atan err.. Aaron Aziz sekali sblm lelap, then it can be considered as good right? :P boo Leanne iz biased!!! HAHAHA! ), i bet k-fans might jump into m-drama bandwagon in no time! i've seen many of you did btw~ :P 

3 hari tanpa Nora T_T


Thursday, May 19, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 7 (18/05/2011)

Warning: Extremely Long Recaps LOL!

Lunch time
Me: <.< i wanna send KL pny Gangster blasah Eid! 
Me again: belum kuar wayang la weh!
Me: fine! then i'll ask ketua mafia South Korea blasah dia!<.<


lol! yeah, that's what i feel today.. 
but at the end of the day, 
i ended up lompat bintang smbil menjerit ria ibarat kanak2 ribena with my sister!
hahaha! XD
why? tanak cakap! :P
the drama is just getting better and better!
ok, recaps time! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 6 (17/05/2011)

Hey guys... Assalamualaikum... Hari ni tak berapa sihat, kena hujan siang td kat Jalan TAR masa carik baju wedding Siti Nur Apai... Hari ni klaka jugak coz my plate number kereta got washed away by air banjir kat tgh2 highway tadi LOL! x tau cane bole hilang! and no, my car is brand new, not cabuk, so jgn fikir bukan2 about my Renji okay? <.< :P so this recaps might be shorter than before coz i'm feeling sick :P <--- penipuan besar hahaha! XD Anyway, episode hari ni buat i x senang duduk dek geram dgn prangai Eid. Episode hari ni was all about Eid, Eid and his idiotic jealousy... Since i'm seriously pissed with his character, so i don't feel like spazzing much over this episode... So just bear with my emotional outbreak over Eid's behavior okay? =)

The scene started off with Amir asking Seth about Nora Elena anak Pak Nordin kat bowling center with Eid curik2 dengar. Apparently Eid tersentak bila dgr nama Elena and Pak Nordin disebut oleh lelaki yg dia x kenal depan Seth... But since Seth mmg x faham ape yg cuba Amir nk discover, so Seth diam aje... Pastu Amir got a phone call. Maybe from balai, which finally buat i percaya yg dia really is a policeman, bukan con-man yg mana kerja dia tipu pompuan kat bowling alley~ :P Amir said he gotta go, so he went away... 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 5 (16/05/2011)

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Internet mcm haram mlm td! so lepas subuh i laju2 recaps drama ni haha! Eh! you lagi?! buat ape kat sini ni? :P Semalam was a great Monday... kan? XD Hari Guru... Selamat Hari Cikgu, cikgu2... Harap2 cikgu2 yg penah ajar i dulu x bace blog ni pasal kalau diorg bace mesti sume tanak ngaku pompuan pervert ni ---> (tunjuk kat diri sndiri) anak murid bucuk manje kesayangan diorg. hahah! :P anyway, hari ni jugak i realize something very important. Muke hensem body legend tak de makna if x berapa bijak. Di tambah plak if jenis chemburu bhuuutaaa tp perahsan chelik~ hah, hambek qalqalah x bleh blah dah tu! (actually dah lama tau bnde ni, tp saje nk buat2 baru sedar sbb kalau x, x jd topic la kan? tahan je lah ye korg?:P) kalau korang x faham ape yg i ckp ni... sila rajinkan diri bace recaps episode kali ni. :P --> alasan nk attract org bace kahkakah! XD another thing, i think i'm having a girl crush over Siti Saleha LOLOLOL! it's normal right? right? =.=;; dang why is she so perfect? -sigh- 
oh!oh!oh! hari ni conquer sofa sorg2 yay! kesian mama tatap Eid dari kejauhan :P takpe mama, izinkan anakmu ini tatap secara dekat makhluk tuhan plg sexy itu ye? bkn Eid lah! Seth! :P -lari from Zul Ariffin's fans- *bende x penting tp gedik nk share gak dgn org  XDD* 


Ooh... flashback from past week pny episodes! so i guess it'll be a weekly Monday thingy la kot kan? Me like it. Teruja seyh! XD okay jom start spazzing! XD The scene started off with different kind of camera angle scene Seth halau (muahahaah! XD) Yvonne out of his bedroom. isy2, awal2 dah buat org drooling tatap bahu sexy itu dr belakang! ibarat makcik2 kantin yg kepenatan kemas kantin dek bersepah students n cikgu2 buat party Hari Guru tp pastu  tibe2 ade makhluk tuhan paling sexy lalu depan diorg plak kan... XD *no offense to makcik2 kantin, i just terasa diri mcm makcik kantin hari ni pasal penat berlari sana sini kerana tugas, pastu balik rumah x mandi x hape terus mngadap TV, dok berangan tggu pukul 7, pastu Nora Elena start, and tadaaa! lelaki itu in 1st scene tanpa sengaja buat gadis innocent ini angkat kening teruja dgn his "what are you doing here?!" :Q____ hahaha! :P*  ei, mst korg x faham i merapu ni. tak pe la kalau citu hahaha! sambung Leanne! =D So like what had happened last week, Yvonne kena tengking oleh Seth lepas tu dia keluar dari rumah Seth and masuk dlm kereta dgn muka sebal kena marah. Hmm... saba ye Yvonne, your boss tgh emo tu :P

Saturday, May 14, 2011


love is red though your life turns out gray



Hello guys! Semalam satu hari yg gila. Blogger buat pasal, maintenance konon... Removing itu ini kononnya utk temporarily je... so latest entries i made after Wednesday seems gone just like that... this morning they're back... but all the formatting turns out blegh! i yg pemalas ni tibe2 merajinkan diri pasal nmpk cam serabut huduh je~ <.< And yg paling penting, all your generous comments on Recaps Nora Elena Ep. 3 and 4 apparently has been removed too. I hope it will be for temporary je. Half of me lega, half lagi keluh kesah. Haha! pasal thank god ade lagi post ep.4 yg i x save kat mane2 tu.. :P tp sedih coz all your comments yg sgt comel membina semangat updater pemalas cam i ni dah hilang plak~ -rolling on bed-terlentang-tgn atas dahi mcm fikir masalah negara- XDD


*A/N: Now i feel like sharing my old fanfics here in this blog... I'm deleting them from my Winglin account so... I think it's okay to put them here instead. Well, this is just a fiction. All the character’s behavior; what they do and think has nothing to do with the real time issue. I made this just to amuse some twisted mind especially Masfadzliza who requested me to write this fic down. Enjoy* :peace: 

The hallway was cold and empty. He liked it that way. He hated the fact that crowds had filled the morgue area. For once he hated camera flashes and people flooding him with questions. So he came down here where it was less occupied. No. It was vacant and quiet. Despite his indifferent exterior, his hands, they couldn’t stop trembling. His fingers were fidgeting - nails digging into his dampened palms. 

“Stop it.” 

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 4 (12/05/2011)

A/N: I'm not working today. Feverish! Didn't get off my bed langsung. Kepala pusing cam tahap kena blender je haih~ the weather lately is just =.=;; too hot! but alhamdulillah hari ni ujan plak kat klang ni. hehe =D anyway, i'm happy this blog tiba2 je cam bernyawa kembali. hahaha! sume salah aku kan geng GG? aku sorg je yg tade blog tetap n pemalas yg amat bab2 updating neh~ dek kerana excited over Nora Elena, so ter-update-lah blog ini~ thanks Leanne! you're welcome Leanne! :P My mom still x berkenan dgn drama ni. =.=;; tgk seblah mata je tadi huh. mmg la dia sgt pelik orgnye. org berpusu2 lompat bas, kejar lori, lggr police traffic lately lepas keje gara2 nk mngadap Aaron Aziz! tp dia lgsg x teruja. oh pelik la mama ni~ x pe lah. laen org laen taste kan? tp pasal anak2 dia sume dah mngadap TV tepat jam 7, so dia pon join sekaki la walaupun separa hati hihi! Okay! enough with my rants! Adhi, sorry if this recaps x happening. I tgh demam ni, bila demam i tend to look at things differently (if u know what i mean miahahaa! XD).. plus all these medicine buat i lightheaded 
-WARNING: major spazzing which might cause u guys to hate me like crazy di kemudian hari lol! just don't shoot me kay? i'm just being a fangirl here :P-

Mr. Aaron Aziz shared these vids just now in twitter! me love the songs! jom layan dulu! =D



Demam2 pon i gagahkan diri nk mngadap Aaron Aziz hahaha! Laju2 i lari depan TV bila notice jam dah pukul 7 lol! kuang hasam pny adik2, sume x pggl pon tho cite da nk start! nk harap kakakmu ini sndiri mau ingat je yeh? :P okay2, so jejeng! start dah! hohoi i da terhafal dah lagu opening ni.. terngiang2 masa tdo hokeh?! oh still kat kedai bunga... Seth n Elena saling berpandangan, Eid plak tercegat kat pintu dgn muke jealous tgk Elena n Seth bdiri tegak x wat ape pon tu. come on lah Eid~ if bdiri tegak citu pon nk jeles, mmg i rase cam nk tunjal la kepala you tu bg sadar sket! <.< penat je i sokong u dgn Elena hokeh? keciwa makcik tau? lepas tu Eid blah dr situ, x pndg kiri kanan dpn blakang, terus terbump into Malik the Lover Boy. dah la u tu besar! Malik tu kurang besar! kesian Lover Boy kena sound dgn Eid yg tgh hangin tu. "kau jalan tu tgk org lah!" satu umah aku bunyik "wtf ko ni Eid?!" hahahaha! sehati sejiwa btol la penonton kt umah i ni~ :P Eid n Malik x jd makan sama. jom mkn dgn i la Lover Boy~ Eid tu bosan! marah je kejenye~ :P

Thursday, May 12, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 3 (11/05/2011)

A/N: Okay, smlm takbur blagak internet laju kan? Mlm ni kalau lumba dgn siput, siput tu kompem2 dah siap wat party birthday anak ke 15 kot? <.< lembab!so episode 3 recaps coming up! this drama is moving fast and rocking! i like it when they rocking it fast! lol! oh lupa, Assalamualaikum! =D Before that, nk tny... Nape my mom slalu against ape yg i suka? dulu (dulu ye? skang i suke dia! pasal da nmpk dia real life kat Shah Alam n dia tersangat la sopan orgnya!) i hate Zed Zaidi, she's a Sembilu big fan... I don't like that Capik guy, dia gila2 satu episode pon x miss tgk si Capik! I like Fahrin Ahmad, she said Fahrin can't act (yup, dulu la tapi...)... She said all TVXQ members are gorgeous, except Park Yoochun, the love of my life! <.< It took me almost 4 years just to hear her saying her approval over lelaki yg i suke hokeh? and now... the ever gorgeous Mr. Seth. Why mom why??? -sigh- fine~ kang cite dah habis, baru la you sibuk2 nak spazz sama kan mama kan? xpe... anak mu ini saba aje~ :P

enough about my rants over my mom's preference over men yg i suke... episode 3 Nora Elena yay!!! alhamdulillah, i smpai rumah tepat2 lagi 10 minutes nk start hihi! Traffic jam serupa mcm haram je~ siap police traffic tibe2 je rajin nk maen tahan2 my car <.< emo aku tau x?! okay! dah2! jom recaps! =D err... recaps ni khusus utk mereka yg tade TV, internet kurang laju dr siput babi and benci tonton.com.my... mereka yg ketagih baca recaps mcm saye ni pon bole bace gak :D budaya membaca amalan mulia, mari amalkan ramai2 lol! XD


Satu, dua, tiga mula! :P Opening song, i like this song, but not for this drama... tak tau la nape... just.. don't feel it~ but yeah, it's meaningful kot? suits the whole storyline... ^^ okay! starto!!! The scene started dgn Elena yg tiba2 lari masuk bilik ala2 pengantin merajuk bila Dila mention Amir Bin Azhar tu berasal and sekolah katne... Dila yg x syak ape2 just dismissed Elena's behavior dgn remarks "dah sawan nk naek pelamin la tu... jgn nanti aku pon sawan mcm dia, sudah hihik!" XDDD Dila ni kan~ mulut tade insurance haha! :P Elena lari masuk bilik dia yg kat pintu tu ade lady bird comel (nak!!!!!!!!!)... 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 2 (10/05/2011)

A/N: sigh~ my mom tak tgk pon episode 2! alasan dia? tanak sebut. sakit hati je. :P dia malas nk tgk anak dara dia meroyan gedik over Aaron Aziz depan TV kot? hahaha! anyway, never in my life, i teruja x senang duduk kat office menanti 5.30pm semata2 nak balik rumah tgk drama melayu. x pernah. siyes. ini dah kes parah. ala2 withdrawal syndrome Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Secret Garden dah ni. isy3x...~~~ angau kah aku? dengan laki org plak tu. -gelak guling- Park Yoochun, this shall stop if you release Ripley tomorrow. ok? nope? fine~ don't complaint if i spazz over someone else~ XD anyway, episode 2 ada perubahan. no longer mendatar... some action from the cunning Mr. Seth hihi. GOOD JOB!
-song for tonight, Alyah- Kisah Hati & Infinite- BTD. cannot listen to JYJ. I might end up crying if i did. 

Let's begin. Still ada kat cafe lagi... camera focus kat muka Seth... lama... hmm... kacaknye dia... tgh stress pon kacak... cane neh? err.. kat mane cite kita td? LOL! okay sorry hehe! Seth dok tenung muka Elena (lama tu, since 9hb tau! :P), so Elena rase tak selesa and nk blah dari situ... Seth told her she seems familiar. Mcm penah jumpe... Alamak bro, ayat tu... hmm... if only diucap oleh bukan hero, Elena maybe dah storm out keluar blah dari situ haha! XD but Elena seems interested, duduk balik, and tell Seth maybe Seth salah org. But Seth still ckp Elena look so familiar to him... Elena trying to be funny, tny "ada tak rupa mcm artis ke? haha!" LOL. she did tried to be funny, tp Seth tak rase klaka pon and reply "lebih cantik dari artis." OMG ha kau kan dah tersipu2. you ask for it lol! i don't know if Seth even know that he is very cunning dalam hal mencuri hati perempuan. Ayat dia tu cliche, but it works somehow kehkehkeh! :P Then dalam terkesima tu (cewah!), Elena try to pergi dari situ. But Seth keeps on delaying her so finally she said "boss saya garang!" and go. lol! alasan terbaik. boleh guna pakai lepas ni hihi.

[RECAPS] NORA ELENA - EPISODE 1 (09/05/2011)

credit: as tagged

A/N: hello, hello... salam... i know this blog tanpa i yang pemalas ni memang macam hidup segan mati tak teringin haha! and this post bukan menunjukkan i dah gila or anything coz kawan2 confirm ramai yang nganga kot if tau i'm into malay dramas lately. yeah, me, the korean hardcore drama watcher kini kembali ke tanah melayu kerana suami i punya drama belum start airing lagi lol! 

So, atas request sorg kawan yg kesian tade internet laju best kebabom like mine miahahaha! (ye, i tau i gelak cam takbur gile lol! tp i tak kesah :P), so i will be recapping and reviewing a malay drama called NORA ELENA yang tengah dok hangat ditayangkan kat TV3 jam 7pm. So Mr. Aaron Aziz, i'm helping you promoting your drama here haha! :P It's an adaptation from a best selling Alaf21 year 2007 novel bernama KASIH YANG SUCI, written by Meen Zulaikha. I LOVE THIS NOVEL LIKE EFFIN CRAZY AND LIKE GILA WHEN I GET TO KNOW IT WILL BE ADAPTED INTO A DRAMA! dah la yang blakon sume i suke tahap chenta gila lol! *cough* Aaron Aziz *cough*... anyway, i don't want to talk about the epic novel storyline since the drama might be different from what i've read, so... tahan je la typo salah eja hentam keromo i gara2 over excited and just read okay? :D and kawan2, don't worry, jiwa melayu jawaku ini masih korea. Park Yoochun tetap dihati hahaha! XDD and oh! this entry untuk mereka yg tade TV, internet slow utk download or loading kat tonton.com.my yg sememangnye x bape nk efisyen tu... =D


1st part start dgn a girl pakai baju sekolah kayuh basikal lalu kawasan ala2 kebun (basikal tu cam best je lol)... suddenly basikal dia rosak and that girl turun from basikal dia tgk ape la yang da jadi kat basikal dia tu... Siti Saleha yang gorgeous tu jadi that girl... pakai tudung, comel! XD The scene started pada tahun 2001... ada narration "sbg gadis remaja, hidupku sentiasa ceria, hidupku penuh gelak tawa dan kasih sayang ibu ayah, kakak abang..dan kawan2" ok, i tau agak wtf la narration ni, tp bila dia ckp "sehingga lah satu hari, saat aku kehilangan sesuatu..." ok, suspense gile haha! pastu out of nowhere, ade sorang laki muncul siap pakai topeng mesin rumput yg x stylo langsung and grabbed her from her back! ciskek, terkejut aku haha! bagi sape2 yang da bace novel tu of course la tau kan sape mamat kuang hasam yang maen terkam2 tu kan? anyway, kompem la bukan mr.homgsexygile aaron aziz yg grab minah tu coz kecik je kot en.bertopeng tu~ ok, sorry terspazz kat sini, can't help it :P